Wastewater Utility IT Assessment and Strategic Plan

Project Description

This SDI Utility District client supplies drinking water and provides wastewater collection and treatment, producing nearly 2.5 billion gallons of water to serve 14,100 homes and businesses.  The sewage collection system consists of more than 312 miles of gravity collection lines, 20 miles of pressure force mains, and 42 lift stations providing service to more than 18,000 homes and businesses

Services Delivery

  • IT Assessment – SDI completed a comprehensive enterprise IT assessment of the District’s technology infrastructure and applications. The assessment focused on critical areas such as customer service, applications, security, infrastructure, administration, and governance.
  • IT Strategic Plan – SDI facilitated the development of an enterprise-wide IT Strategic Plan. SDI facilitated workshops with the departments to understand the current technology platforms, the efficacy of those technologies, and current and future technology needs. SDI created a technology project portfolio that included a description of each project, a prioritization rating, cost, implementation timeline, risk, and other factors that would aid in achieving an enterprise-wide prioritization. SDI then conducted workshops with the District’s leadership to prioritize the projects to arrive at a final IT Strategic Plan. SDI presented this plan to the District’s Board.
  • IT Strategic Plan Update – Based on our success in getting the District to an IT Strategic Plan, SDI was hired to come back to facilitate an update to the original IT Strategic Plan
  • ERP Procurement and Selection – SDI used our proven ERP procurement methodology to lead the District through the ERP selection process starting with the current system assessment through final contract negotiations. SDI provided consulting services to define requirements, develop an RFP, design and facility vendor evaluations and demos, and provide negotiation support.

SDI has delivered cost-effective, innovative technology systems to organizations throughout the public and private sectors.

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